Pictures of Market Street that include the building at 924 : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I'm looking for a photo of shops on Market that include what used to be #924. (Hallidie Plaza is in its place now.) There was a billiards parlor located there between 1915 & 1925 (?). I'm hoping for a "shot" of that business. Ideas?

-- Dan Graney (, July 26, 2001


I know I've seen a photo of the intersection of Market and Powell taken early in the 1900s. I saw it in one of the tourist shops on Union Street, so it's gotta be a standard item. The camera was looking towards the Woolworth's site and included the Hallidie Plaza site.

-- Rosa Debonneheure (, August 13, 2001.

Check out the San Francisco Main Library's online photo archives. There are thousands of photos you can search, download & print. You can search by subject or street name.It is a fantassstic resource for anyone.

-- Judy De Bella (, August 24, 2001.

Judy, I cannot thank you enough for letting me know about the SF Public Library's on-line photo collection. I just blew the last three hours going through it. Wonderful stuff. Guess what I'm going to be ordering when the photo desk is open on Monday?

Here's the URL in case anyone has trouble getting there through the Library's main gate:

-- Rosa Debonneheure (, August 25, 2001.


-- chris (, October 02, 2003.

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