Sunoco shuts Pennsylvania cat cracker after leak : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Tuesday July 24, 4:20 pm Eastern Time

Sunoco shuts Pennsylvania cat cracker after leak NEW YORK, July 24 (Reuters) - Sunoco Inc. (NYSE:SUN - news) said on Tuesday it shut its 90,000 barrel per day (bpd) fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) at its Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, refinery for repairs that are likely to last for a few days.

The outage occurred at the 179,000 bpd refinery after a power failure that caused the release of a motor fuel-like substance into the air and led one local resident to go to hospital for a medical check.

``We were forced to shut the FCC, and it will likely be back up sometime this week,'' said Sunoco spokesman Gerald Davis. Davis said the incident occurred while the company was trying to fix a leak in a flare line in the adjoined ethylene complex.

-- Tess (, July 27, 2001

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