Where can I get Backwards Home Magazine

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My father is an invalid confined to a chair. He is an avid reader and our family is always looking for new material for him to read. I am here today because he has a subscription to Countryside and he loves it. Its like a Bible to him. We come from a large family and someone is always asking him to find out about something. Don't you know, he finds it. I saw in the Forum someone had mentioned "Backwoods Home" magazine and was wondering where I might get a subscription form, or any other mags that might interest him. His likes and past hobbies are Fishing, Hunting,Homesteading, Gardening, Trapping and I could go on . Any info will be appreciated. Thanks, Sandi

-- sandi grund (sgrund@in4web.com), July 28, 2001


I think you're looking for Backwoods Home Magazine - they have a website:


I'm not very familiar with BHM, but it does look like an interesting mag!

-- Cheryl in KS (cherylmccoy@rocketmail.com), July 28, 2001.

backwoods is goo and backhome also www.BackHomeMagazine.com , i like small farmersjournal and thier sister publication farm romance and adventure they are quarterly so it seems forever between isues. agrarian@smallfarmersjournal.com i enjoy reading them while waiting around at work ***&^%$#@!!~~~ off farm time wasting job! oh well someone has to do it and i need the money .hope i have helped

-- george darby (windwillow@fuse.net), July 28, 2001.

oh and a thought would be to interest him in writing his life down all the stories that could be shared with his children and grandchildren it would keep his mind active and be a valuable treasure for the family.you didnt say if he was able to use a key bord the net would supply lots of interesting material for him if he could

-- george darby (windwillow@fuse.net), July 28, 2001.

I have been a subscriber to BWH for several years and a reader almost since they started in 1989 or 1990. You might consider ordering him one or two of the Anthologies. They are WONDERFUL!!! I have the first six!!!!

I read and reread them and my copies of COUNTRYSIDE every night. The side of my bed looks like a big pack rack sleeps there! give our best to your father!

-- Suzy in Bama (slgt@yahoo.com), July 28, 2001.


Fur Fish Game Monthly is a very good old time magazine which covers trapping also.To help you out, I have ordered a pre-paid e-mail gift certificate from Magazines.com for you to use for ordering a magazine subscription. They should be sending you a e-mail soon.You can order fur,fish,game or any other one your dad would like.

Take care and may you stay forever young TomK

-- TomK (tjk@cac.net), July 28, 2001.

Another magazine of this ilk is "Backwoodsman Magazine", a magazine sold six times a year ala Countryside; their topics include the above, and especially focus on blackpowder hunting and mountain man rendevous(sp?).

The magazine isn't another guns and ammo review magazine; it is focused on everyday fishing and hunting experiences. Like Countryside, they have many articles published by their own readers; your dad may be interested in writing some articles for publication. Many stores with magazine racks have it; I have even seen it at Wal- mart. Give it a look.

-- j.r. guerra (jrguerra@boultinghousesimpson.com), July 30, 2001.

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