Yadkins Falls

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Genealogy Queries for Stanly County, North Carolina : One Thread

My ancestor, William McDonald stated on his army registration 1804, that he was born at Yadkins Falls, N.C. I recently read that the Yadkin River was designated as the border line with Montgomery and Stanly Co.Does anyone know where the Yadkins Falls could possibly have been? The Yadkin River also runs through Cumberland Co.Would appreciate any help. Thanks, Ruth

-- Ruth M. Scruggs (rmscrugg@concentric.net), July 31, 2001


I believe the Yadkin Falls are where the Falls Dam was built. This would be very near the town of Badin in Stanly Co, NC. It would also depend on what side of the river his family lived on. So, you should also check Montgomery Co.

-- Jane Smith (janesmith@carolina.rr.com), March 31, 2004.

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