"How do I opt out of the dental plan?"greenspun.com : LUSENET : Trent University Graduate Student Association : One Thread |
According to Yolanda's article in the July procrastinator, ... "if you have alternate coverage, you can obtain reimbursement from Peter Debbert at the Student Benefits Office (Science Complex, W5.1) located near the TCSA office (Ext. 1017). Any questions throughout the summer should be addressed directly to Gallivan and Associates (1-800-561-7551, Ext. 300; trentplan@canada.com)" --see the article at http://www.trentu.ca/gsa/pv3n1g.htmlBut Sean Gauthier says a student has had difficulties opting out of the dental plan this year, and they ended up having to pay for a service they didn't need.
Who can opt out? How is it done?
-- Marcus Wilker, GSA communications (mwilker@trentu.ca), July 31, 2001
I urge anyone who has difficulty with opting out to contact Peter at the Student Benefits office, since, in my experience, he has been very helpful. Also, contact Paulette at the Office of Research and Grad Studies, since she is well informed about issues concerning fees, and is the person who actually sends us the bill.In April, Paulette, GSA president (me), TCSA president, Gallivan and Associates, Peter Debbert and Finance gathered to discuss how to improve the system that deals with student befefits. Hopefully there will be fewer problems now.
One thing I can think of that may have caused a problem: students who are graduating in December still have to pay for the whole year (eg-Sept to August). There was no way of working around this with Gallivan. So, there is no option for opting out in January unless you actually start your studies that month.
To opt out: you need to show Peter Debbert proof of alternate coverage at the begining of September, for September starts, or in January for January starts.
Yolanda MacKinnon
-- Yolanda MacKinnon (yomackinnon@trentu.ca), August 08, 2001.