blister beetlesin the garden : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Help the blister beetles have arrived and are hungry. They've already stripped part of the young lima beans. I need advice on organic pest control for them. Thanks in advance Sherry

-- sherry (, August 01, 2001


We've had good results keeping the invasion of grasshoppers off our veggies with Diatomaceous Earth. It's suppose to be effective against all kinds of pestilence. Just be careful not to dust any flowers with it - don't want to kill pollinators like butterflies and bees.

-- Victoria Tompkins (, August 01, 2001.

shop vac and extension cord.

-- kathy h (, August 01, 2001.

Pan of water under the plant and shake it; or pick off and drop in a bucket of water. Squash those that miss the water. For the second year I'm having problems with them too; would love an easier answer.

-- Katherine (, August 02, 2001.

Are these the black & grey, the green rainbow, or some other kind? Early morning is the best time it seems to find them on the underside of leaves, i also try to do an afternoon run, uh ,crawl, w/ h2o bucket [dollop of soap to break the surface tension] in hand in the afternoon when the sleepyheads have come up from the mulch to munch.

-- bj pepper (, August 03, 2001.

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