Holgagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
Maybe somebody will question that I posted this under the Leica Philosophy umbrella. But I'm sure that most of you will get the connection. Have fun . . .!-Iván
-- Iván Barrientos M (ingenieria@simltda.tie.cl), August 01, 2001
Ivan; thank`s for sharing, I have known of this camera because of Jim Goldberg, he uses it in combo with a M6 and a 35. I like to work with cameras that are in a way limitated, the M leica is a kind of too, in this world of auto-everything toys, been limitated helps being in focus.
-- r watson (al1231234@hotmail.com), August 01, 2001.
I have 12 HOLGA'S and love them all.I take the inserts out to make them 6x6 and tape them up once loaded to keep the light out.Why 12 ? They were cheaper that way,they take a long time to load so i load them in bulk and i give them pre loaded with xp2 to clients who are going on a trip just as a bit of a PR thing.They usually come back with atleast 1 shot that they think is great. I also have a 50mm NOCT and i think the fall off and adge aberations are very very close.If you are thinking of buying a noct for effect and not for low light capabilities then try a HOLGA first. When used well they are both fantastic. LONG LIVE CRAPPY TOY CAMERAS,LEICA'S,LINHOFS &a few others AND FORGET THE REST.
-- Tim (timphoto@ihug.com.au), August 02, 2001.
My first two cameras were a Kodak brownie that belonged to my parents, and a Kodak 126 fixed focus camera called an X-15. The brownie would flare off any bright object whatsoever, and the 126 camera had a bit of distortion, but both were actually cabable of a decent images from 5 feet to infinity. Most all of our family photos growing were taken with a couple of brownies,(black and white square bordered prints) as there were no photo enthusiasts in our family. Yea, cheap cameras can be fun.
-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), August 02, 2001.
Did you use the HOLGA or the HOLGA-M?
-- Bill Mitchell (bmitch@home.com), August 02, 2001.
Thanks for sharing this great link, Ivan! You made your point and I'm rushing to get my first Holga presto. Cheers, Lutz
-- Lutz Konermann (lutz@konermann.net), August 02, 2001.
Pin hole camera is fun too. There is even a third party pinhole lens for Leica M
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), August 02, 2001.
Hi, Lutz. Since I have seen some of your work in your web page, I feel very interested in what you can do with a Holga. That would be something worth seeing. Please post results as soon as they are available. I'd like to try myself but there is no way to buy Holgas in Chile. Uhm. . .maybe I should think about distributing them here. Does anybody know who should I contact . . .? Have fun ! - Iván
-- Iván Barrientos M (ingenieria@simltda.tie.cl), August 02, 2001.
Here's a new version with a built in flash http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1260574027
-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), August 02, 2001.
Also http:/www.freestylesalesco.com has the Holga 120SF (built-in flash) as well as other toy cameras like the fully manual, 35mm Russian "CMEHA" ("SMENA" in Roman letters).
-- Cosmo Genovese (cosmo@rome.com), August 03, 2001.