i need plans for a milking stand to milk our goatgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
we are entering out goats in the fair in our town..... my daughter wants to make a milking stand for a woodworking project to enter in the 4h fair. we also need it for milking our goat... i need plans for a basic milking stand. we have to build it next week. can anyone help us?????i've checked different site and come up with no plans or pictures thanks j
-- julie waters (h2o@uniontel.net), August 03, 2001
plans are on the way. Its through my outlook addy. Enjoy!Bernice
-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), August 03, 2001.
Jules!! Hey! It's a small world...If you have a library nearby that has Countryside & Small Stock Journal, I just saw plans in issue 82/1 (Jan/Feb '98). A family with four girls made a milking stand out of four pallets. It looks simple, sturdy, and inexpensive. Good luck!!
-- Sharon/WI (pinnow@inwave.com), August 04, 2001.
no way!!!!! sharon! never thought i'd see you anywhere else but on the soaping boards. i'll have to check it out thanks again. hope your summer is going good! jules =o)
-- jules (h2o@uniontel.net), August 05, 2001.
Are there plans for a milk stand for miniature goats? Nigerian Dwarf's and Mini-Lamanchas? or can I use regular goat stands?
-- David Kennedy (dkennedy@midtel.net), August 06, 2001.
now we aren't experts but this is what we did and it works excelent. we took 1 pallet and put (i'm no where close to a carpenter so bear with me) a board that was about 9 inches long and 5 wide and 1 thick and put one at each cornor then then put a board on a diagonal from the pallet to the board to stable it down really good. i can't really explain out head contraption but if you would like me to try let me know. i don't ever use the head part except for on the new ones that might kick there first time in it.
-- lindsey N southern IL (l_shamhart@hotmail.com), August 06, 2001.
I picked up Jerry Belanger's book Raising Dairy Goats. I'm duplicating the foldaway milk stand on page 186...the problem I'm having is miniaturing the size for nigerian dwarfs...I figured on eliminating a 1/3 of the size...but heck...maybe someone has done this already...and I can just purchase it!
-- David Kennedy (dkennedy@midtel.net), August 06, 2001.