Lighthouse restaurant : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I have a menu from The Lighthouse restaurant at Stall 5 Fisherman's Wharf. An abalone sandwich was 85 cents. What year? What is there now? Thanks Tom

-- tom Brinkoetter (, August 04, 2001


#5 Fisherman's Wharf is currently occupied by a restaurant named Nick's. Since about the early 1990's. Previously it was Barusso's Lighthouse, and before that, just The Lighthouse. We came across an old menu where a martini was 35 cents, Cioppino was a buck, and the most expensive thing was a NY steak for $2.50. The opinion around the wharf was it was from the middle or early '50's. Hope this helps. Al

-- Alexander Markel (, January 13, 2002.

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