Goat milk yogurtgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi, I'm trying to make yogurt with goat milk and I can't get it to set up. I've tried it a couple of ways, with different cultures. I've heard that you can add powdered milk to it, to give it body, but I won't use powdered milk anymore. Any other ideas? Thanks! Laurie
-- Laurie (laurie@folkarts.com), August 05, 2001
Knox gelitan?
-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), August 05, 2001.
Without powdered milk added to my yogurt this time of the year my yogurt is thin, more like kefir. As the does extend into their lactations with the additional butterfat we have with our Nubians, I can add less and less powdered milk. And of course just out of curiosity why won't you use powdered milk anymore, I keep it for convience, but only use it for cooking. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), August 05, 2001.
I eat skim-milk yoghurt, and it won't set on it's own. They add agar (seaweed-based alternative to gelatine) to it to set it.
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), August 06, 2001.
Hi Guys, Thanks for the answers. I may try the gelatin and/or agar, or I'll just switch to kefir or some other drinkable cultured milk.To answer the question about powdered milk. I have read that the process to powder milk involves high heat, and that it damages the milk in much the same way that high heat damages meat and fats. I'm trying to get to food that is as unprocessed as possible anyway, except for what I do in my own kitchen. It's fun :-)
Thanks again, Laurie
-- Laurie (laurie@folkarts.com), August 08, 2001.
Laurie, one of my mother's cousins was manager of a dairy-products co- operative. As a child I saw powdered milk being made. The milk was picked up by a hot roller (onto which it coagulated), pressed between that and another, and exposed to a hot-air draft. It wasn't so hot you couldn't touch things, but it was plenty warm. I wouldn't really consider it hot enough to call it cooking, but it was heat-dried.
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), August 08, 2001.