Noctilux images : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

This is for David Enzel and anyone else who wanted to see Noctilux images



-- Andy Piper (, August 07, 2001


Whoo! Beautiful lens. I could add that to my bag w/o hesitation. Let's see--do I sell my car? my wife? my Hasselblad--?

-- Patrick C. Garner (, August 07, 2001.

Last year I sold a SWC-M for three summicrons M 35,50 and 90, I don´t regret, and still have some hassy stuff in line, but probably is gonna be 35 and 50 luxes, I´m waiting for the 50 ´lux asph. the noct is highly seductive but I want something practical in size for my M bodies

-- r watson (, August 07, 2001.

I wonder--does any one have any 0.95 Canon shots they could post for comparison?

-- Michael Darnton (, August 07, 2001.

Or any Nikon 50mm f1.2 Nikkor shots? The Nikkor has a similar MTF curve as the Noctalux, has way less corner fall off, and cost about $300 for a mint used one.

-- Andrew Schank (, August 07, 2001.

I had a Canon 0.95 lens and While I no longer have any of the negatives I made with it, let me assure you that it was less than superbly sharp. However, I would like to see how the Noctilux compares with the current Canon 50mm/f:1.0L, as well as the Nikon 58mm f:1.2 NOCT. (I don't know why I'm interested -- I'm certainly never gonna own any of them.)

-- Bill Mitchell (, August 07, 2001.

Thank you, Andy. The images are beautiful. I was wondering if they were shot at f1.

-- David Enzel (, August 07, 2001.

There is an authorised dealer in Australia selling the Noctilux for AU$3,850 which converts to about US$1,975. New with full official warranty. Dealer is Phototime (in Melbourne). Sorry, I don't have their email address but they have a web site under that name. Their phone number is +61 3 9670 0377. They also sell the 90/2.0 Apo Summicron asph. for about US$1,460.

-- wayne murphy (wayne.murphy@publicworks,, August 07, 2001.

David: F/1 and nothing but...

These obviously aren't great 'art', but show off some of the characteristics. I'd love to see Leica's ray-trace diagrams for this lens - they must look like those medieval paintings of martyred saints full of arrows going every which way - I love the purple halfmoon highlight in the shot of the camera bodies and the sharp/unsharp sides to the strap of the leather Leica case.

Anyway: enjoy!

-- Andy Piper (, August 08, 2001.

BILL I have a bit of experience with the Nikor 58mm noct.I have borrowed one several times and find wide open it is very sharp probably just as sharp as my leica noct at f1.2.But i like the nikor for its 58mm focal length and the Leica noct for its efects.I wanted to buy the canon 50mm f1 when i had the EOS 1n but it was $4500 AUST .I bought the Leica Noct for $2600 second hand.I think there is a place for all off these lenses.The canon is auto focus ,the nikor is 58mm and the leitz noct .....well it fits on my M6.As far as the out of focus areas go I have found the 50mm noct at f1 is about the same as my Mamiya RZ 110mm f2.8 at 2.8. I love the perspective of a standard lens and would love the Blad 110 f2 or a 10x8 camera with a fastish 300mm or maybe an apo ronar flat field process lens,but then my M6 does hang around my neck. TIM

-- Tim (, August 08, 2001.

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