What's Denver Colorado and Surrounding area like?

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What's Denver Colorado and Surrounding area like? I've heard that the area has no fly's or mosquitos, has little to non humidity, and gets cool (50's) most nights during summer. Is this true? Tell me more.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), August 08, 2001


Dear Kenneth, I lived in Colo, springs just north of the air force academy, in the black forest area, There is no land left to buy, and if you did find some, it would cost in the thousands of dollars, the homes sell in the neighbor hood of 150,000. dollars, that is a three bedroom modest house.on a small lot. Its nice in summer, but any garden you plan to grow, would have to put up with afternoon showers with hail. My garden was always in shreds, the winters are really cold, and they have something called black ice on highways, which is bad. Denver has more smog than L A, in Calif. in the summer. Now if you could find something 50 miles away in the foothills, you could get out of the smog. Colorado, has some of the most beautiful mountains, and lakes, and fishing is great, also hunting. And if it was possible, I would go back in a min. Colorado Springs that is. Irene

-- Irene texas (tkorsborn@cs.com), August 09, 2001.

Thanks Irene, From all the feedback I'm getting about Colorado My wife and I have decided to keep looking. My SIL has just gotten back from Maine. She says its fantastic. Others have also made similiar statements. So we make look in that direction.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), August 09, 2001.

Denver is beautiful, but has really horrible air quality, they have ordinances prohibiting woodburner use inside certain city limits, it is sooo bad!!!

Maine has lots of blackflies, mosquitoes, deerflies, horseflies, etc., etc. Very "challenging" winters for 7-8 months of the year, very short growing season.

Don't have any blackflies or skeeters here, mild winters, usually one time a year we have to shovel snow, beautiful countryside, rugged hills, very few people.

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), August 12, 2001.

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