Flippy Friday, 8/10/01 - Who can fix the forums?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread

Y'all, what's up with the flipped topics on MATH +1? And tbe backwards postings? Who can fix it?

Happy Friday. It's damn early.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001


Ugh. I need a jooooooob. The spredsheet isn't pretty.

$85/day, AB? That's not bad. I mentioned subbing to Chris this morning and he was shocked that you didn't need to be an accredited teacher. For our county, you need just a HS diploma or its equivalent. I'm not sure what it pays, though.

My mother subbed for a year or so. She ended up doing long-term subbing in a class where she needed to carry a cattle prod. It was in south Houston, though. But I figure that we're in a suburban county, and I could do just elementary.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

I have no idea what happend with Greenspun. But the thread answers seem to be in order, right?


Dora of words diminish posted an entry, in case none of y'all are on her notify.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

The forum looks okay now.

In Ohio you have to have a college degree in order to sub, and I think it's only like $60 a day, maybe 75. 85 sounds really good.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001


-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001


You know, I think it's a Cavalier thing, as Sara just had to dumb $800 into her '96 Cavalier. (Fuel pump and injectors.) How many miles does the Orchid have?

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001


-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Mike - she's got close to 100,000, I think. Maybe like 95k.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Berman. You and the Trivial Pursuit. Hating you. I'll remind you, that I almost won. So I couldn't name the planets in order. (Mars... and the other one...) We all have our weaknesses.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

"Almost won"? Pffft. The issue was never in doubt.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

I'm a little worried Naked Hannah might drive down here and firebomb my apartment.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

DUDE, I remember it CLEARLY. I had all the pieces but science. But, you know, water under the bridge. I have shaken off the humiliation.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

She's a trivial pursuit freak. Maybe you've met your match.

Did you see that HBO show on the Ravens' training camp? V. interesting.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

I did. That's really a cool show.

Met my match? Never.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Listen to me, H. *I* am a TP freak, and he beat me. I am fairly certain he did it by nefarious means, but I can't prove anything.

I beat The MOC, ok? He is the biggest nerd on the PLANET. (The planet on which we live... not the other planets. I don't know anything about the other planets.)

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001


I always think I'm better at trivia than I really am. We played for hours at the Bad Dog. (For money.) Either Eric or the MOC won every time. I thought Weldon's head was going to explode.

And at one point, in my supreme girlyness, I squealed, "How am I supposed to know this! It all happened before I was born!" (It was about really old movies and music, I think.) And the owner (Mark?) said "If only there was a subject in school that taught me about things that happened in the past....." Ha ha.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001


I will forever be proud of thwarting Chris at TP. He HATES to lose. I beat him at Gin the other night and he had to go smoke and contemplate his value as a man.

The thing about it, though, is that I hate to win. I feel all guilty and start talking down about myself. That's stupid! I should kick his ass be proud of it!

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Y'all. I am getting addicted to pool. We have a table in our building and Sara, Liv and I have named ourselves the Lady Sharks. We reign supreme.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

See, I can't taunt for pool, because I suck. But it's so much fun.

I'm more of a foosball guy, though.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

See, Al, I fear that if you, me, and the Chrises ever played TP together, things might get interesting. Have I told y'all what Chris' screens saver at work used to say until his secretary told him he was a freak?

"KILL! KILL! KILL!" is what it said. He downgraded it to "WIN! WIN! WIN!" Eventually, when his friends made enough fun of him, he switched it to read "W & M"

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

The Chrises. That cracks me up.

Did y'all ever read Sara Astruc's Robin Altemus entries? I read them for the first time yesterday.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Yeah, I read them awhile ago. She's such a great writer. I'm sorry she isn't updating.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Not switch gears, but I just had a thought ... I'll bet Meg comes back on the new Squishettes forum.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

I just wish she'd put her old stuff up. Thank goodness for Google.

Speaking of (and of Meg) I tried to google her yesterday, and I think she must've done a no archive tag on her entries, because her main pages come up, but nothing else.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Mike, I was thinking the same thing. In fact, I tried googling her yesterday, too.

May Sir Phoenix rest in peace.

Y'all. I need a JOB. I wonder if Agnes Scott is hiring. I'd love to work there, until the wedding, at least.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Hey, my loves. We're in Monroe. It's hot. This computer is the suck. I miss my Mac.

Cher and I are about to go shopping, and pretend we have money to spend, then we're going to the Mohawk to eat ten bowls of gumbo and eight shrimp po-boys.

Also, I'm scared of Mike now, with his crazy trivianess.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

It would make sense, since all the people who ripped on her don't read the new forum. Plus the mods are all kind of wimpy (rowEn excepted).

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Let's find Meg!

AB! They're opening the first Container Store in Ohio EVAH this weekend. You come work here!

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Hmph. L_L me, why don't you.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

I got work to do! Plus I have to start mentally preparing for the inevitable trivia smackdown.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Did y'all see that Shelley of shellyeness.com got engaged?

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

And now I'm the LL? Is there no justice in this world?

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

OK, so I'm impatient.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

See, I'm so bored I even read Rudergirl. It felt like she was peeling my nails back.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

Does she think we care about her Supercuts stylist? Who thinks the Hilton=caviar?

I'm off for a weekend at the lake.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

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