Info on Yosemite Falls Wall : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

Anyone have any info on Yosemite Falls Wall? Will be climbing the Czech Route later. Any info on the approach would be helpful. Thanks.

-- chris allen (, August 11, 2001


tThe easiest way I know is to climb to the right of lower falls There is an easy way that requires only 4th and easy 5 class climbing this works well if you are not hauling a lot of wieght. I think it's called sunnyside bench.

-- Terry (, September 20, 2001.

You can walk up onto Sunnyside Bench from behind the Post Office or Deli area. Walk up past the rangers' residences and other gov't buildings, then ascend sandy trails up and left. A bit of route-finding is needed to overcome a couple of short cliffs. This approach has a short bit of 3rd class at the cliffs, but the rest is hiking. I used this approach when I did the Arrow Direct.

-- Tom Kasper (, February 25, 2002.

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