stuck mirror lock up on 6 x 7 pentax : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I'm having problems with my pentax 6x7 . I engaged my mirror lock-up by accident and now I cant get it to release. The shutter release doesn't work. I cant advance the film. I checked the battery and its fully charged. I tried changing lenses(pentax 165 2.8 & Takumar105 2.4)and its still stuck. Any suggestions?

-- greg smotherman (, August 12, 2001


Is your shutter speed dial in between speeds? If so, that could cause the mirror to stay up. The mirror is held up by a solinoid so I would guess that if you removed the battery, the mirror would go down.

-- Steve Rasmussen (, August 12, 2001.


To the left side of the mirror box, looking at the camera from the lens mount side, and judst below the black metal top is a emergency mirror release. Push this button then deporess the shutter button and you should be back in business.

-- Arden Sampsel (, August 13, 2001.

Greg is right on. Use a tootpick (or other small pointed object) and depress the little button. Beware that if you leave the mirror locked up you will drain the (not-so-cheap) battery.

-- Jim Vincent (, September 01, 2001.

Oops, sorry. That attribution was to Arden. Greg was the one asking the question. JV.

-- Jim Vincent (, September 01, 2001.

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