Ill/Best Advised Psychedelic Periods... : LUSENET : I Really Love Music : One Thread

Temptations benefitted greatly from the psychedelics at the time. The Monkees? Was that ill advised? The Byrds? The Beatles?

And what was Frank Sinatra doing dressed in a Nehru jacket?

-- (, August 13, 2001


I think you should check out the new Lady Marmelade. Christina is the new Edie Sedgwick?

-- nathalie (, August 14, 2001.

The new Edie Sedgwick?????????

Hahahah! Maybe.........yes........

Christina is a youth quaker. Maybe she will hook up with Todd Solondz to produce a series of depressing films based on her breakdowns and tribulations in life.

Maybe date Tim Charlatan for awhile and then he writes a classic based on her which everyone accuses him of ripping off Rainy Day Women 1 and 2.

-- doomie (, August 14, 2001.

Maybe...natalie if she starts to cover David McCallum albums in entirety with David Axelrod as producer?

-- doomie (, August 14, 2001.

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