Tomatoes coming on white and staying white : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My various types of tomatoes are coming on in the color of white instead of green and are not turning green. They just stay white until they begin to rot (esp. the roma variey). They're getting enough water, and I've begun to to apply some miracle grow ( that seemed to help a bit, some are turning red, now.) Is there a particular mineral which was obviously missing? This is only the second year I have planted tomatoes in this location. Also I have not noticed any bugs on them at all. Thanks

-- Brian McCabe (, August 15, 2001


if miracle grow is helping,, sounds like a lack of nitrogen.

-- stan (, August 15, 2001.

It might be sunburn! Ours get that way at the end of the season--when the sun is really hot and the leaves are starting to die--leaving the fruit more exposed to the sun--sunburned! GL

-- Debbie T in N.C. (, August 16, 2001.

I vote for sun-burned...........happened to me before when the temps were very hot and the fruit was in full sun. I have a couple now that are that way from the bad heat wave we had. Just pick them off and pitch them, the white ones, and what is left should mature appropriately unless of course we have another blast of intense heat.

-- diane (, August 16, 2001.

I agree with sunburn. I lost all my tomato plants (74) from one picking to the next. 110 degrees, day after day after day was more than they could stand. I am in S E KS. The rain went right around us AGAIN last night. Have not had measureable rain since June. Has cooled off. Only in the 90's this week.

-- Belle (, August 16, 2001.

Ive never heard of sun burned maters,, anything like fried green tomatoes?

-- stan (, August 16, 2001.

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