CO: Late flu vaccine will force triage : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

This year's first batches of flu vaccine won't hit Colorado clinics until the end of October, prompting health officials to craft a pecking order, based on age and health status, for who gets the vaccine first.

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Last winter, two Denver-area children suffering from the flu died within a month of each other. [§ Y2K deaths?]

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"Ultimately, there will be enough vaccine (this year), but will there be enough when people want to go out and get their shots?" asked Erich Kirshner, spokesman for the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care. "There are a lot fewer companies producing it, and it's taking them longer to produce it. It's kind of scary how few companies actually produce it."

Denver Post

-- spider (, August 16, 2001


I've been getting my shot at the local chain grocery for $10.00 for years. I don't know if the cost was subsidized byanyone. But $26.00 does sound kind of steep.

-- John Littmann (, August 16, 2001.

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