Health or other governmental restrictions on selling eggs??? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My hens are laying from 10 to 20 eggs each day so we have an abundance of eggs even tho we've given friends and family plenty...

I have sold some...they are beautiful big brown eggs and are really good....but are there health department or other restrictions on selling eggs from small family farms? we are in north alabama.

If I just sell to friends would that be o.k.

-- Suzy in Bama (, August 17, 2001


Around here people just stick a sign out on their mailbox or at the end of the driveway that says "Eggs For Sale". My friend sells her's for $1.50 a dozen but other sell for $2.00 because they are pretty much the same size and general a good sized egg. (the 1.50 one are many sizes). Since you aren't digging into the major egg producers profits you are pretty safe I'd say! ;o)

-- Alison in N.S. (, August 17, 2001.

When we lived in WI, I used to "sell" my eggs at a co-op in Green Bay. I brought in the eggs once a week and shopped at the co-op. No money changed hands. I also did it with a natural food store.

I also had a sign out front of our farm stating that I had eggs to sell. Never had a problem. In fact, my eggs were so big and beautifully brown, that on the day people from the co-op knew I was coming, they were right there for the eggs.

Bartering worked out fine for me.

-- Cordy (, August 17, 2001.

I think most regulations cover milk being sold off the farm and sanitary slaughtering sites. Don't recall any concerning eggs from the small producer.

-- Sandra Nelson (, August 17, 2001.

Call your local extension agent. There are rules that state things like you can't re-use egg cartons. Be sure to check your local and state regs and be prepared to show sales tax/business license or other report of income should the powers that be (a pain in the %^$#) come a callin'.

-- Anne (, August 17, 2001.

In these parts people sell eggs at the farmers market. They just have to be kept refrigerated or "on ice" within a certain temperature range.

-- Skip in Western WA (, August 17, 2001.

In MO, if we don't sell across state lines we need only be concerned with the egg laws in this state. Those are administered by the Division of Weights and Measures under the Dept of Ag. We sell to a small restaurant and several individuals, so went ahead and bought our licenses, retail and dealer (which allows us to buy and resell eggs). Because of our small size, the licenses cost $5/yr each and gets us graced with a visit from an inspector at least once a year. Refrigeration and labeling are involved in complying with the requirements. Very simple and easy. I agree, start with your co. extention agent if you have questions on requirements for you, or search your state website. Good luck.

-- Louise in MO (, August 18, 2001.

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