WI: State fed up with pricing problems at Kmart

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

The continued errors - such as charging $3 extra for a shirt at a Milwaukee-area store or $24 extra for a VCR in a Baraboo store - now have Oemichen considering criminal charges against the Troy, Mich.-based company.

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"The part that perplexes us is why Kmart continues experiencing these high levels of pricing errors," said Oemichen, who has worked with Kmart since the 1999 record settlement to try to correct the scanning problems. "Initially, it appeared Kmart was making significant progress."

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The stores charged a higher price at the register for about 57% of the items than were listed on the shelf and "undercharged" for the rest of the items found to be in error. Those undercharges still concern regulators, Oemichen said, because they indicate Kmart really can't figure out how to coordinate its pricing.

JS Online

-- spider (spider@web.com), August 17, 2001


I'm so glad they are finally getting on to this. I finally got to the point with K-mart that whenever I bought clothes there, I would right down the price on paper at the shopping racks to carry up to the checkout counter. I had this happen way too many times.

-- susie (Susie@home.com), August 19, 2001.

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