M6 Light Meter On/Offgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
I have a 5-year old M6 that has a light meter activation problem. It is known that the build-in light meter can be activited by pressing the shutter release half way. Although I can always activite the light meter the first time, somehow during the following shots it cannot be turned on by pressing the shutter release half way. What I do is to turn the speed dial to B and then turn it back to the desired speed. Then the meter works again. Or I can just release the shuttle (and waste a frame) then it will work again also.I have replaced the battery so it is not an issue.
Should I return the unit to service? Or is there some way I can fix it myself? Advice, please
-- Damond Lam (damond_lam@hotmail.com), August 18, 2001
Well, that sure doesn't sound normal. Assuming a good battery and clean contacts, the meter should come into play every time you lightly press the shutter button. So I'd say it needs to go in for service. The B position actually turns the meter off; so it sounds like the contacts which are supposed to energize the meter when you turn it away from B, and onto a timed speed, aren't making a good connection except for one exposure. Must be something loose in there.
-- Bob Fleischman (RFXMAIL@prodigy.net), August 18, 2001.
Worn or dirty contacts in the meter-on switch is most likely the cause. Unless you have the correct tools and know how to strip down and reassemble an M6 then *don't* try to repair it yourself. It probably could use a CLA anyway. I'd send it to someone like Sherry Krauter who will service it in a reasonable time and not skin you alive.
-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), August 19, 2001.