Pacific Asia Museum - animation screening : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Hello all,

Just got back from Pasadena, where I attended the Asian-American animation program at the scenic Pacific Asia Museum. As promised, I will tell of what I saw:

First, the location was beautiful. Not a cramped screening room, but an outdoor courtyard, with koi ponds, statues everywhere, a projector and overhead lights. Our panelists included Arnie Wong (who worked/is working with Mobius on "Through The Mobius Strip), Peter Chung, and John Eng (Nickelodeon/Klasky Csupo animator). They were great, fielding questions and mingling with the crowd before screenings.

The actual screenings were a sort of "animated portfolio" of each artist - ranging from short film to commercial and TV work. Of course, this means all the rare Peter Chung clips were shown! Starting with the Aeon game commercial, which was dark and hyperkinetic. It had Aeon, some Breen goons, spastic camera movement, and the Demiurge shooting beams from it's eyes (!!). After that came some Checkers bits, Mountain Dew, Levi's (which was super-cool... basically Monicans with jeans), a very fierce-looking Charles Barkley, Honda, the "Cindy Flux" Pepsi commercial, a quick spot for Fox Kids, G-Police, the "Loaded" short, and more Checkers. Then it came... the "Party 7" intro. All I can say is, WOW! Everything Attrox said and more; fast, violent, liquid-kinetic, and even humorous with a superhero named "Captain Banana" (!) If the live bits are half as good, I gotta see this movie. Afterwards, they showed Tide (good as ever), but by that point, I had to hit the restroom for a little "Tide" of my own... Also worth mentioning here is Arnie Wong's "Through The Mobius Strip" preview. While the CG looks somewhat iffy, the characters and art are pure Mobius. Can't wait to view the finished product.

Other pertinent details: The animators brought along proposals for future films (no Chung, sorry). One in particular caught my eye, a metaphysical anthology by Mobius called "Ateon". This concerns an immortal character, and his quest through various planes of existence... the scenarios here are just great. I'm telling you, this thing could be the next Aeon Flux if handled properly. As for Peter, he mentioned two seperate projects (inhale, Barb, inhale), one a Madhouse production (which must be the mysterious A_______X), and his own independent film which he says he's "six months into".

I'm really glad I caught this... besides the animation smorgasbord, everyone there was terrific. I even talked to Chung a bit, and he gave me an Aeon Flux poster which now resides on my bedroom wall. But best of all was seeing that wicked, vintage animation work... thanks, Peter & everyone, for making this such a great night!

-- Inukko (, August 20, 2001


Appreciate the run down (thanks) well, yes, I have to say I am quite jealous, seeing all of that lovely rare animation and getting a poster from Peter, ah, it's just too much :-)

-- William (, August 20, 2001.

Paul you are the exhalted one among us! It sounds fabulous. You must be still impressed with the work you saw and the professionalism of the ensemble. The Mobius anthology sounds fascinating and deep. If you say it has that much potential it must be impressive. The fact that Peter loves to work on two projects at once thrills me to the core. Two films to look forward to while I'm waiting for the breath of life to be painted back into Aeon. Plus a poster from the master himself! Light the torches and the incense, you ARE a lucky dog.

-- Barb e. (, August 21, 2001.

Good to here that peter is still working! I hope you framed that priceless peice of merorabilia, you fortuitus dog you. I would have loved to see some of his other works.

-- JAF (, August 21, 2001.


Thank you for taking the time describe the event. YOU ROCK!

-- VictorV - (see@website.url), August 21, 2001.

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