Motherboard and monitor : LUSENET : A One Forum : One Thread


I just began building my first system, and I have run into a problem. I have an ASUS A7V133 motherboard. Everything is installed, and the system starts up, but I can't seem to hook my monitor up to the motherboard. There isn't a port that will except my monitor cable. The monitor has a 15 pin connector(HD15?), and the board has two male 9 pin connectors. Is there an adapter for this? I haven't been able to find one. Any other suggestions? Appreciate any help.

Thanks, Jeremy

-- Jeremy Garzoli (, August 21, 2001


The 9-pin connectors are for the COM ports (also known as serial or RS-232). If your motherboard does not have built-in graphics support (which I don't think the A7V133 does) you will need a separate graphics card (using the AGP Pro slot, though a standard AGP card would do, or a PCI slot -- but performance would suffer). If you do not have a graphics card, I suggest you post another question to the forum giving an idea of the specification of your system, what you want to use it for and how much you want to spend. Hope this helps!

-- Andrew Edney (, August 24, 2001.

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