Thank you : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

I just wanted to drop everyone who contributes to this board a line to say thank you for the advice and support that I have received since finding THRP. I am sure that this will all be over for me pretty soon and I wanted to wish all of you all of the best in your endeavours. Remeber to keep fighting and never give up. I hope that you are all ultimately victorious in your battles.



-- Tim N. Heath (, August 23, 2001


I'll second that sentiment. Keep fighting, everyone - by which I mean: keep questioning, keep defending your rights, and stick to your principles. There is some evidence that this site has rattled a couple of cages, and that's because we're uncovering and publicising some incredibly shoddy practices in the lending market.

If anyone wants journalists' details, you only have to ask.

All best, Tim: you take care of yourself, you hear? Eleanor.

-- E Scott (, August 25, 2001.

You know how to get hold of me and I hope you will. I missed recent developments as I've been on hols. Please don't let go of a useful information source whilst you still have much to fight for, and every chance of success. Think about your objectives!!!!

Good luck

-- (, September 03, 2001.

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