learning photography

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

What's the best way to learn photography as a career? Is it best to go to a school or learn on my own by reading and working with other photographer? If school then which one?

-- Samantha George (sammyboo77@hotmail.com), August 24, 2001


The best way to learn photography as a career is to do all of the things that you spoke of. I would spend some time going to a good photography school. While I was in school I would take every opportunity to met and work with any photographer who's work was similar to what I wanted to do. Join professional organizations. Most schools bring in professionals to teach workshops and give lectures, so put yourself in a position to meet and work with those visiting artits. In addition, seek out the answers to your questions. Read as much as you can about the type of photography that you want to do. Network, even when you are in school. Once you start your career you don't stop the learning. You will need to work even harder to keep on top of your field. Reading is a good thing, as well as the internet, to find out different points of view.

As far as which schools to look at, you gave no indication as to where you live or where you want to live. There are many fine photogrpahy schools and finding one should be pretty easy. I would ask some local photographers where thay went. Look for schools that specialize in the type of photography that you want to pursue.

I hope that this helps. Good luck.


-- Rick Lang (rickpho@aol.com), August 25, 2001.

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