Parts Manual : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I talked my dealer into selling me his parts manual for the F4 since he has a microfishe. If anyone ever needs some part numbers to make sure they get the right thing ordered feel free to e-mail me.

-- Miguel Bartoli (, August 26, 2001


How about making copies and we will buy them from you????

-- Jim Stanton (, August 29, 2001.

I'll go to Office Depot and see what it will cost to copy and I will let everyone know.

-- Miguel Bartoli (, August 31, 2001.

Can you make an Adobe PDF file of the manual? This might be easier to distribute.

-- Brad Cowell (, September 05, 2001.

Some one sell me a copy of this, must be a nice copy and i will make a PDF file out of it and distribute. I will glady pay for the copy and will distribute freely. i also would like to do this with a chassi manual, or work shop manual. i have one coming, but not in yet.


I have the engine manual, I will pdf that when i do the others

-- david Chicatelli (, September 10, 2001.

I'd love a pdf of those manuals chaps.

Need to identify the relevant parts for the choke as my choke lever has just done a full 360 degrees on its inadequate splines!

-- Dave Penhale (, November 17, 2001.

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