Garage Sale Treasures : LUSENET : Freedom! self reliance : One Thread

Oh Wonderful Saturday Garage Sales! Hubby and I walked around the block yesterday to the neighbors house to be, well, neighborly,and look over his garage sale treasures. Came away with 14 french doors, for $50. Gonna build us a greenhouse! Also got a car for the son, carpet for the camper, solid oak wood shelves for the laundry room, a boat, an antique lamp and all for incredible prices! Golly, God is Good! In His Grace, Sissy

-- Sissy Sylvester-Barth (, August 27, 2001


Well I sure didn't find all the neat stuff you did, but I did find an interesting book for a quarter. It's all about jobs that just aren't anymore. "Early America at Work" 1963. Some interesting stuff in it.

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (, August 27, 2001.

Over hear in England we have charity shops (you call them trift shops i think?) and i went a small one and came out with 5 gallon demijhons and a HUGE aray of wine making stuff including 1 gallon fermeting buket and 1 3gallon fermeting bucket all for the huge price of ..... wait for it....


and a paino for £5

Not bad

-- Luke Davsion (, January 12, 2003.

Well, what have you for sale? In need of wine making and distilling supplies! Want to dodge the revenuers!


-- guess? (, March 06, 2004.

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