Pope's writings on stem cell research cloning.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I would like to find any writing or speech that the Pope has given against Stem Cell Research and Cloning. I am having discusions at school about it and I would really like to know how to convice people that all of this is wronge. I have come up with most all I can think of on my own, I would now like to know how to, with words, make people understand where all of this "playing God" is going to take us. That sort of thing on the whole. I have found sites about the "Value of Human Life" that the Pope wrote, but I would like to know things like what he said to Pres. Bush Jr. I would really appreciate any help that I can get and ASAP. Please Email me.

-- Marcy Teague (OnAStarSomeWhere@AOL.com), August 27, 2001



-- (@ .), August 27, 2001.

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