Toyo and Calumet 8x10 Bellows Compatable? : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Hi,I have a Toyo 8x10G, and am looking for a used bag bellows for it; someone mentioned in passing that the Calumet/Cambo cameras used the same bellows as the Toyo...any one know if this is the case or not? I have yet to see a Toyo BB come up for sale used, so if I could use a Calumet/Cambo, I'd more then double my chances of finding one!
Eric Boutilier-Brown Halifax, NS, Canada
-- Eric Boutilier-Brown (, September 01, 2001
the 4x5 bellows frames aren't the same so i'd think the 8x10's aren't either. used toyo 8x10 bags are very scarce but they do come up on ebay once in a while (i've seen two in the last yearwithout specifically looking for them). toyo stuff is much cheaper in japan if you can find a contact. also look into robert white in the u.k. you might pay the same for a new bag as a used one would cost in the u.s.
-- adam (, September 01, 2001.
Just call or e-mail Calumet. They will be happy to tell you if it will work.Charlie
-- Charlie Strack (, September 05, 2001.