greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread


-- R3\/\/T-M/\573|2 (PIMPDAVID15@YAHOO.COM), September 01, 2001


Game gury can answer.ask him.

-- c33master (c33master@yahoo.co.jp), September 02, 2001.

Wow. A thread started by one person who "left" MARP, directed at another person who supposedly "left" MARP. With Hisa ignoring the URL request yet again.

The sheer hypocrisy of this just made my head explode.


-- BBH (lordbbh@aol.com), September 02, 2001.


If you watch the 1.4 million recording by HISA, he completes the game...

The 1.7 million recording is a demonstration of leeching ;-)

This is why the lower score has a higher rating........

And the URL? u tell me............ ;-)


-- Game Guru (gameguru@blueyonder.co.uk), September 02, 2001.

What's the URL, HISA???

-- Game Guru (gameguru@cableinet.co.uk), September 02, 2001.



See HISA, that's all you have to do!!!!!  



-- Game Guru (gameguru@blueyonder.co.uk), September 02, 2001.

I must say Hisa-Chan's behaviour has become more and more enigmatic as time goes on. In his last few recordings he stops after a certain point and just suicides his remaining lives - why he does this I couldn't say and he won't tell.

Then there is his refusal to share his URL after dangling it with every submission. It's almost as if he is flipping us the bird. Again, why he does this is beyond my comprehension.

Anyone have any thoughts or can shed any light on the matter?

-- Tim Morrow (tmorrow@bigpond.net.au), September 02, 2001.

do in MARP as the MARPer's do.
100 times higher score than others is not worthless here. top is top. just 100 points.
Is answer.

-- c33master (c33master@yahoo.co.jp), September 02, 2001.

not worthless ---> worthless

-- c33 (c33master@yahoo.co.jp), September 02, 2001.

Hisa, you never answered the question. All we want to know is the URL of the site you always mention. It's not too hard to ask for.

-- J.D. Lowe (jedidrunkenllama@hotmail.com), September 02, 2001.

This is getting really boring now!! ZZZZZZZZzzzzz

HISA, please let us have the URL of your site, or any other .INP sites that we may not be aware of.........

Please, lets end it on this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you

Game Guru

grrrrrrrr, Game Cube....12 days and counting...

-- Game Guru (gameguru@cableinet.co.uk), September 02, 2001.

Maybe there is no URL at all... and who cares btw? all the recordings are "poor" anyway :)

Until I see an URL I will just consider Hisa´s page a myth..:=)

Prove it Hisa.



-- QRS (qrs@telia.com), September 02, 2001.

Ah! I think I understand what you are saying Hisa-Chan. Your premise is that there is no point in going beyond taking 1st place because you will only get 100 points and no more no matter how far you go.

You of all people should know better than that. The points are only one measure of a game - and not always the best one, certainly not in a linear way. Stamping an all-time high that lasts for a long time is truely be a great achievement admired by many. You won't get that just by beating the previous high score by a few points. When I go through the games lists and see a score 10 times higher than anyone else I download it straight away. I want to see what makes that player so special, what they know that other don't. If it is just a case of leeching then 'bleh!' but if it a case skill superiority then I take note. I remember that person and how good they were at that game.

I somehow felt let down when you just left the last level of Rainbow Island Extra without finishing it (as I know you could have). Doing that lowers the value of your inp - a great recording becomes only good.

As for your refusal to share your url - still not sure what that is all about. All I know is that you are going to ostrasized here on MARP if you keep it up. We all share the same interests Hisa-Chan, we love games, both playing, competing, appreciating and applauding skillful play. I hope you don't let yourself become a great player that is despised on MARP - that is beneath you, you are better than that.

Cheers, Tim

-- Tim Morrow (tmorrow@bigpond.net.au), September 03, 2001.

Could it be that I found Hisa's site? Check out the bottom half for yourself!


-- Abbe (AlbinTheander@yahoo.com), September 03, 2001.

Abbe: HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH! Great link. :)

Anyway. Hisa, there's no doubt that you're an awesome player. But as Tim noted, you just act weirder and weirder here. You say the only point of uploading a score to MARP is for the "100 points"... well, I could be mistaken but I don't see any kind of leaderboard on any of the Japanese sites. So why do they put recordings up? A lot of people don't care about the leaderboard at all, they just play for fun, uploading scores on games they enjoy playing. I keep playing because I don't have much better to do. :P Anyway, the fun part about .inps is that they show how the scores are achieved. So why are you pissed off at Game Guru now that he copied your Marvel Land leeching technique? If you didn't want him to be "mimic man", you never should have uploaded that recording in the first place, especially when you referred to it as a "LOAD OF JUNK" (your words, not mine). And then you totally missed the sarcasm on Skito's edited description of your Bells & Whistles recording, but that's okay since English isn't your first language...

Anyway. This mystical webpage you keep talking about. You're obviously not going to respond with it here, so all I want is a simple answer - WHY do you withhold it from everyone else? If the page is still under construction, then that's fine, but quit mentioning it in every upload. If you're withholding it because you think our scores suck... well, what the fuck are you doing still hanging around this site in the first place?

Come on, Mr. "Truth Teller". I hate "escaper"!


-- BBH (lordbbh@aol.com), September 03, 2001.

I have his inp of raiden.

-- INNUENDO (funit@bol.com.br), September 05, 2001.

I think I found c33master Yoda's site


-- TJT (kdshf@ölkasjdf.lasjf), September 14, 2001.

The knowledge of english is exactly the same... was it Hisa the one who created the anthem "All your base are belong to us"? Well, if so it is, I'm his greatest fan ;-)

-- Vaz (mrvaz@inwind.it), September 14, 2001.

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