This will be fun! : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

I am off to the PNW. I will spend the 4 hr flight doing editorial stuff. My laptop died.

The editors in Europe will get hand written notes on legal paper. Should be interesting. No net contact where I will be.

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001


Get in early enough and you can watch the fertility ceremony during the last hours of bumpershoot.

Better yet, maybe you can help me with my resume?

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001

Ah, the travails of a mover once again.

Z, with all respect, what is it that you accomplish in all this feverish chasing about? Given your offerings on board you say much more about the here then the there than about the what. How bout a rundown? No big science talk please. Maybe a few websites or online Jouranls that chronicle your here, there and everywhere presence. Will try to read. Looking foreward to being proud of you.

Your humble servant,

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

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