Tuesday, Sept. 11greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread |
Good morning, sweet MATHletes!I have a conference with Mad Mad's teacher later this morning. I can't wait to see what Mith Anderthen says.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Y'all. The Pentagon is on fire.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Y'all, go home. Oh my God.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Has anybody talked to Mike Berman?
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Jesus, y'all. I seriously can't believe this is happening. I'm glad you're all okay.Berman! I was so worried about you.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
I'm still worried about me...That was the worst thing I've ever seen.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
I can't imagine it. They showed shots of the pentagon and I was stunned how close the highway was. I had no idea it was right.there.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
A friend and co-worker was right there. Literally -- on the road, right in front of the helipad, when the plane crashed. He's lucky to be alive.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Y'all, I'm just so freaked.
I don't know what to say. I love y'all, though. Thank goodness I had MATH+1 today, or I wouldn't have known much at all.
The MOC's office let him go home at noon. I was in a panic until I talked to him, which is crazy, since we have had nothing happen here. But, you know, CNN is here and the CDC and it's all scary.
And I was so worried about Berman all morning. Thank God, Mike. I'm horrified at what you had to see this morning, but so glad you're OK.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Mike - what's the mood like at USAtoday?How close are you to the mall?
And whatever happened with the fire in the West Wing? That was sort of dropped.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Teri called. She's back in Atlanta.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
How in the world did she get there? Who cares - I'm just glad she's back.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001