Looking for Antique Egg Incubator

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

LOOKING FOR ANTIQUE EGG INCUBATOR,, WOOD TYPE WITH GLASS TOP AND BRASS BURNER that holds 100 eggs or less. Or any websites that I can go to thank you

-- Jenn Merriam (dreamz105@hotmail.com), September 13, 2001


Well, I've noticed you seem to be able to find everything on ebay, even if you have to wait for awhile, just keep checking.

-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (jlance@nospammail.com), September 13, 2001.

Boy, I wish you had posted this a few monnths ago! I came across one made by the Cypher corp. It was at a garage sale and was being sold by the owners grandson. He said his mom used it to hatch eggs for her restaurant in which her specialty was fried chicken. It was a beauty. Worked great and was 30.00 I wish now I had gotten it! You might check and see if Cypher is still in business. I think they were out of NY or OHIO.

-- Peg (Ashlinep@localnet.com), September 13, 2001.

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