Who's had an F1n serviced recently?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

Greetings. A web search led me to this list. I just dug my F1n out of the closet after 15 years. Am now doing work for publication, again. Tested and worked fine on first outing. Now, mirror is sluggish. I WILL NOT walk in to a local or regional repair shop just because it's handy. I NEED recommendations from people for a reliable shop anywhere in the US.


-- Eduardo Zepeda (edzep@edzep.cjb.net), September 14, 2001



My F1, F1N, FTb, and Canonflex have been serviced by Dan Lynch at New England Camera Repair in New London New Hampshire. Check with him by phone. Sometimes he has a large backlog. 603-526-6740.


-- Bill Salati (wsalati@hotmail.com), September 15, 2001.

I had 2 totally restored to "Like New" condition by Mark Hama in Atlanta. I am very pleased with the work done. The cameras look and perform as if brand new. Wasn't cheap(Parts??). Can't hurt for you to contact Mark and get an estimate.

Mark Hama, LTD. 2675 Earl Drive Marietta, GA 30062 TN: (770) 565-1498 Fax: (770) 977-5078


-- Vincent G. Peacock (vpeacock@optonline.net), September 16, 2001.

Bill and Vincent,

Thanks for those references. I'll be contacting one or both early this week. It's been so long, I now realize I didn't use the proper designation. Mine is an F1N, whereas I'd written F1n. (Thanks for the naming clarity, Canon!)

-- Eduardo Zepeda (edzep@edzep.cjb.net), September 16, 2001.

I had 4 Canon F1n (new) sitting in the closet for about 8 years. , About 2 years ago, when I began to use them again, one by one they each failed. In each case, the problem began just as you described with a slowing or sticking mirror. Ultimately, I had them cleaned and relubricated at Profession Camera Repair, 37 E. 47th St., NY, NY. I paid $175 each for repair. "Worst thing you can do with a camera is not use it," they chided me. (I believe dumping a camera in the Atlantic might go higher up the "worst" scale, but their point was well made.) Anyway, the repair price seemed high, but the cameras have functioned flawlessly ever since. I have since been told that this service requires removal of the entire mirror cage, which is quite a laborious, time-consumming, chore.

Professional Camera Repair, originally formed by the legendary Marty Forsher, is still one of the most reliable and capable repair centers you'll find anywhere. I don't think _every_ NYC pro still goes to them, as was the case in Marty's day, but the owners were part of Marty's staff, and they don't come better. Not cheap, but honest and ultra reliable.

-- Ted Kaufman (writercrmp@aol.com), October 05, 2001.

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