Noctilux in action : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Check out this link to see a Noctilux in action.

-- Collin Orthner (, September 15, 2001


Collin, Could you please confirm the address for this site about the noctilux; I've been unable open up this link. Thanks, BILL

-- wm mitchell (, September 15, 2001.

Hi Bill, Just tried a copy and paste and it works on MS Internet Explorer.


-- Collin Orthner (, September 15, 2001.

I can open the link, but it's Canon digital. (?)

-- Phil Stiles (, September 15, 2001.

I can open the link too, but it really is Canon, wait.....that first shot, taken with a Canon digital......when you blow it up 200% and increase brightness to 90%......does that show a left-eyed Leica guy taking a picture? I'm sure I can make out the red spot. he using a Noctilux there??!!!......


-- Nick (, September 15, 2001.

Nick WINS!

-- Collin Orthner (, September 17, 2001.

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