Parallax correction for auxillary brightline viewfinder (21mm) : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
Just purchased a Voigtlander 21F4 with it's auxillary viewfinder. The finder is quite spectacular. Amazingly bright -brighter than real life even? (Makes my M6 finder positively dull!)It has parallax correction lines for close up adjustment in framing. My question is at what distance will the lower broken lines come into play?
-- Simon Wong (, September 15, 2001
I don't know how Voigtlander does it now, but the way it usually is would be that the outside line is around 15 feet or so, and then you slide the view south steadily until you're at around 3 feet, the dashes at the top indicating the top of the view at that distance, and the bottom of the frame having been slid down by about the same amount. At intermediate distances the correct frame location is somewhere between. It's not an exact science, though, and you should shoot a couple of carefully framed pix to get the hang of it.
-- Michael Darnton (, September 16, 2001.
Simon, the lower broken lines in a viewfinders like yours as a rule will come into play at closest distance about 1 metre. VR.
-- Victor Randin (, September 17, 2001.