1st time visitor...Does WM have a band?? Or am I reading this wrong?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : William McNamara Bulletin Board : One Thread

Is this guy married yet or what?? What a beautiful man.

-- Who's my daddy? (cl191234@aol.com), September 17, 2001


He is not married to my knowledge

To all who are concerned about William's "bachelorhood", I would think that Greg would let the club know of any upcoming events of that magnitude. The last word about William's love life was in regards to his ex-fiance Erika, who is married to someone she met through William...quite a twist. As far as Billy's current "dating" status...there really hasn't been any word on this message board to indicate that there is someone "special" in his life. Of course, that is completely Billy's business and not ours.

-- Katie (calliekitten@yahoo.com), October 10, 2001.

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