Doomzies lie, distort and then gloat over WTC : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001


And up from under her rock this brainless buddy of Paula returns.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001

Well when you have nothing else in your life to make you feel important or smart, what do you expect them to do?

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001

Interesting question. Study after study has shown that was the "motivator" for the Klan. The feeling of utter worthlessness was replaced by having a very convenient "enemy" who was clearly inferior to the Klan members.

Now after being the target of humor and probably family jokes for "overreating" the Dense can now mutter "SEE? I told you so" even though most have sold off their stashes or given them away. (A question to ask the Fat One would be "but you said you had given away your stash and now you are claiming that you are "prepped"? Were you lying then, are you lying now or are you simply a chronic and habitual liar (ala: Witness for the Prosectution).

Such a superstructure is at the core of almost every Cult and Hate Group going. And because ONLY the members of the group "Get It", those outside the pale are by definition "inferior" because they "don't get it".

With that sort of mentality, almost any sort of hateful act can be "justified". In Y2k matters, we saw the claims, "I will defend my stash" from any intruders come 1/1/2000. For most of them, the idea was "we prepared, you did not even though we warned you" therefore, get on down the road.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001

The funniest refutation of all the claims the Doomzies made before 1/1/2000 about how the 'masses' would react to Y2k troubles (rioting, looting, etc) came in of all places, NYC which is not exactly known for its loving and kindly attitude towards anyone. Crime is down, looting is nill, and there is no logical reason why that is so unless one wishes to advocate that even the Muggers and Looters Society of Greater NYC was as stunned as any other resident to the point where recall of the Guardian Angels were not necessary.

I made the statement along with Patricia that what the Doomzies spread about the "great Blackout" in NYC was a lie or myth. In fact, in times of great stress, NYC seems to be able to behave itself and "do the right thing".

I of course, attitribute that to the fact that so many residents there (especially in Manhattan) come from places West of the Hudson and take to NYC some traditions of civility.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001


I'll second that observation. I've always been told that Nu Yawkers are callous and brusque, too.

I really feel for those guys who've been trying to rescue people from that rubble. Times running out and it doesn't look like anyone else is going to make it. They're going to take that HARD when it finally hits them.

That's a shame, too, because they've worked their hearts out.

This ol' Southern Boy don't mind saluting THEM Yankees, not a bit. :)

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

Second that motion. Mayor Guiliani too.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001


It was perhaps predictable that when the rest of the nation is talking about rallying around to ensure our lives and lifestyles are maintained, the cowards over at TimeBumb renew their talk about "bugging out".

While the rest of the nation pulls together, dung beetles scurry for the darkness screaming "we were right after all - hooray!"

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

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