questions about 800mm and 1200mm T ED Nikkor : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Is it worth to purchase a 800mm or a 1200mm T ED Nikkor rather than enlarging the slides i make with my 450mm f8 Nikkor? some people told me the 600mm Nikkor T ED are not as sharp as Fujinon 600mm C, so i don't know what to do. and i don't know what is the difference between the 450mm Fuji and Nikkor about sharpness. Thanks

Alec Jeser

-- Alec Jeser (, September 19, 2001


Main limitation with the 1200 will be stability of your camera at full extension. I have a pretty stable camera, an Ebony, and still find that I get a noticeable degree of softness in my images unless it is a very still day OR I prop up the front end of the camera, which can be easily done with a carbon fiber monopod, if you want something fairly practical to carry around. Still, it makes the lens less practical to use, and I don't resort to it that often, but it's nice to have when you really want it, if you're doing contact prints or transparencies where enlarging is not really an option.


-- nathan congdon (, September 19, 2001.

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