G-Claron for 10x8

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread


I met someone today who may be selling a G-Claron 210mm and G-Claron 305mm. They were in a copy camera that he was given, and he'll probably not use them. They looked in mint condition. From looking at some previous threads, I see they're single-coated, but I'm not too bothered about that. My main concern is whether they would cover 10x8" with plenty of movements (mainly for architectural work, and contact printing B&W negs). I have an Apo-Sironar S 210mm that is great for 5x4", but only offers about 3mm of movement on 10x8". Any idea how much movement either of these lenses would offer?

Secondly, they don't have shutters. What is involved in adding a shutter? Is it simply a case of buying a Copal 1 shutter and screwing it onto the lens, or does the lens need to be dismantled?

David Nash

-- David Nash (nashcom@btinternet.com), September 19, 2001


I bought a 305mm G-Claron a while back but for use with 4x5. I was told at the time that it was great lens if I ever went to 8x10 format.

At the time I had looked at barrel lenses with an eye towards having it mounted in a shutter. I was advised by Steven Grimes that the G- Claron was a bit tricky in this regard as they were supplied in several different barrel styles. With some it is an easy conversion while others would require custom machined parts. In the end I bought a brand new lens when the price dropped to $685.

-- Dave Schneider (dschneider@arjaynet.com), September 19, 2001.

As for coverage, while I do not have the numbers in front of me, I can tell you from practical experience that the 305mm has more than enough coverage for 8x10. In fact, it is the only lens I have. I have never run into a situation where coverage was a problem, and I have used some absurd combinations of movements just to test it.

-- Paul G. (Paul_giblin@yahoo.com), September 19, 2001.

The G-Claron has an image circle of 381 mm, as opposed to the min of 325 to cover the format. Subjectively, I'd describe that as moderate movements rather than generous. Depending on the orientation (hor or vert) you'll get an inch or two of front rise, probably.


-- nathan congdon (ncongdon@jhmi.edu), September 19, 2001.

Hi David

I know a photographer who uses his 150mm G-Glaron for 8x10, and he told me thad only the corner 1/4 inch darker a bit, when he stops down to f45. So you see Schneider is very conserfative about the covering. The diameter of the 150mm is stated as 189mm on the 210mm as 260mm and on the 305mm as 381mm at f22. But at closed down he improves. So the 210 should cover the 8x10 but with not much movement, the 305 should do it with much movement. I`m a happy user of a 150mm glaron just since 3 days! But only for 4x5. They are so cheap I would buy a new one by Robert White UK: http://www.robertwhite.co.uk/products.htm

-- Armin Seeholzer (armin.seeholzer@smile.ch), September 19, 2001.

I have the 270mm G-claron and 150mm G-claron and use them on 8x10 and 4x5. The 270mm covers very well. I have never run out of image circle. The 150mm G-claron almost covers 8x10 at infinity, and works well as a n 8x10 macro lens. I have tried a 210mm G-claron on 8x10 and it covered and allowed about 1 inch of rise/fall.

-- William Marderness (wmarderness@hotmail.com), September 19, 2001.

I use virtually every G-Claron from 150 to 355. The 210 will cover 8X10 with VERY modest movements. I've used the 305 on my 11X14 and it covers that format about the same as the 210 covers the 8X10. Both lenses can be mounted very easily in a Copal 1 shutter. Keep the barrels to compare light readings with the "known" apertures to the aps in the shutter. You can build your own aperture scale this way. They are very sharp pleasing lenses to use. Best of luck. J

-- Jim Galli (jimgalli@sierra.net), September 20, 2001.

A 150 G-Claron for 8x10 seems a bit of a stretch. I'll have to try it. But as my grandfather used to say "One man's illumination is another man's coverage".

-- Chuck Pere (jcpere@aol.com), September 20, 2001.

The 150mm G-claron is a nice macro lens for 8x10. It is a strech to use it on 8x10 for distant subjects.

-- William Marderness (wmarderness@hotmail.com), September 20, 2001.

I use the G Claron 210 with my 8x10 camera. The G Claron design is such that the more you stop down, the greater the coverage. If you're contact printing your 8x10 negatives then diffraction isn't a concern and the only problem with stopping all the way down (F 64) is the possible resulting slow shutter speed/reciprocity. I always use mine at least at F 22, which is the largerst aperture that will cover 8x10 if I remember my tests correctly, and usually at F 32 or smaller. At F 64 you have room for all the movements I've ever needed doing landscape and exterior architectural type work. I've been very pleased with the lens. I also have the 150 that I bought for 4x5 close up work but I've never tried it with 8x10 since that's wider than I like for 8x10. Ron Wisner has some information about the design and coverage of G Claron lenses in the question and answer section of his web site.

-- Brian Ellis (bellis60@earthlink.net), September 20, 2001.

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