For Sale: Goats/Chickens (in MN) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We had a very good doe year. Winter is coming and we would like to sell some of our doe kids. All would be great homestead milkers and have been bottle raised. They are easy to work with and have been started to be milkstand trained.

Poultry: We will have extra chickens available. These are extra hens or roosters from this year's hatch. They would make a great starter laying flock or egg flock.

If you are interested in either the goats or chickens contact me. We would very much like to sell these as homestead animals and are willing to negotiate the cost.

-- Trisha-MN (, September 20, 2001


Response to For Sale: Goats/Chickens

where are you in MN?

-- marcee king (, September 20, 2001.

Response to For Sale: Goats/Chickens

Yes, where are you? WE're in Iowa--so depending on where you are :) I'm sure the wife would want a companion for the Boer/Nubian cross doe we ahve, and more hens wouldn't hurt (the eggs we get are soo big and good!).

Also, we have 3 or 4 Barred Rock roosters that provided one of my wife's coworkers declines, we'll give away for free to whomever wants to pick them up (I'll post a seperate thread when I know they've refused).

-- Brendan K Callahan (Grinnell, IA) (, September 20, 2001.

Response to For Sale: Goats/Chickens

We are in NW Minnesota but frequently travel across the state. We are going to be in SE MN in a couple of weeks.

-- Trisha-MN (, September 20, 2001.

What kind of chickens are they? My daughter shows poultry in 4-H and is looking for some show quality birds. We live in North Dakota so we could possibly venture forth to get them. Lian

-- Lian Mowry (, September 27, 2001.

I also live in Minnesota and am wondering where you are located. I would also like to know how many goats you have, what you are asking for them and what kind they are?



-- Dawn Woelfel (, November 02, 2001.

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