*ADVERTISEMENT*greenspun.com : LUSENET : I Love Forcing My Beliefs on People : One Thread |
Hello, newcomers of "I LOVE [THINGS]" boards! (oldcomers, this message is not for you). I would like to point out to you that the other two I LOVE boards are worth visiting. This one is just beginning and, as moderator around here, I guarantee I won't do anything whatsoever as far as maintaining the peace. The only way posts'll disappear is if my site gets all slow or something... And, if nobody bothers to use this place, eventually, I'll probably try to delete it at some point.LET ME FORCE MY BELIEFS DOWN YOUR THROAT... NOW!
And so you see this is really just a trick, an advertising gimmick, if you will.
But not really...
-- Nude Spock (spockcock@yahoo.com), September 20, 2001
Hello, I am Helen and a compulsive liar. I am honest.
-- helen fordsdale (helenfordsdale@hotmail.com), November 23, 2001.
-- (jkjd@ijgles.itpi), May 23, 2002.
-- (@ .), January 25, 2003.