E-8 Locomotives

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

I am searching for sisposition information for the following SR E8locomotives:


Thanks for for any help.

Phil ELRRco@AOL.com

-- Phillip Bell (elrrco@aol.com), September 20, 2001


i don't know of the e8's that you mentioned but i do know that #6901 is at atlanta, 6900 is at spencer, 6913 is privately owned, and 6914 is at tvrm. sorry i could'nt be of more help. i will keep my eyes opened for the ones you seek. thanks rdc

-- robert daniel cashwell (rdcsouthern@aol.com), January 26, 2002.

According to the September/October 1987 issue of Prototype Modeler, the SR E8 6903 was built in 1951 as 2926 and ended up at NJDOT. The 6904, built in 1951 as 2927, also went to the NJDOT;The 6907 built in 1053 went to the NJDOT; The 6910, built in 1953 unfortunately was wrecked and scrapped in 1978; And the 6915, built in 1953 was also wrecked, but was traded to EMD. Since the time this data was publshed, some of the units that went to the NJDOT may have found homes else where.

-- Robert Daniel Cashwell (rdcsouthern@aol.com), July 19, 2002.

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