Tribute to America: Celebrities Ask You For Money : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

So what did you think?

When Julia Roberts' voice cracked and her eyes got misty I started crying. Julia just shouldn't be sad. I know I was crying for the wrong reason but she was the first celebrity who seemed to be responding the way my friends and family are.

But I'll tell you what. Who the fuck thought Celine fucking Dion should sing God Bless America? She's CANADIAN. I know Canada has helped us tremendously through all of this but I'm fairly certain they could have found an American to sing that song. Why didn't they just get fucking MIke Meyers to sing America the Beautiful?

Speaking of, what was up with the only mikes on being Willie and Mariah? Stevie Wonder was working that song and you couldn't hear a note of it. That's crazy.

Who dressed Clint Eastwood and how much liquor did they drink first? His jacket was buttoned wrong.

Mariah Carey is an idiot.

Anyway. . . I thought the idea was bad ahead of time because so many Americans have given so much alredy. But after Julia came on we tried to get through many, many times so Rog could say he'd give whatever we had to so that he could speak to Julia. (We figured they'd do it since Brad Pitt seemed to be talking to someone on another person's call.) Half an hour, couldn't get through. So people called and I guess that's good.

Would have been niced to know how much they gave though. Wasn't this the time for one of them to say, "The celebrities here tonight have given X amount but that still isn't enough. Your contribution, no matter what size, will also help." How could they have the hubris to stand up there with their million dollar + paychecks and not say a word about what they have given while begging Americans who have families to feed to give yet more?

Huh, guess I still think it's a bad idea.

-- Anonymous, September 21, 2001


She's CANADIAN. I know Canada has helped us tremendously through all of this but I'm fairly certain they could have found an American to sing that song.

THANK you. The entire time she was singing, we were like You're CANADIAN! Mo was like - You just learned English 10 years ago!! But, that said, anyone can love America, right?

I thought it was well done, even if the idea was somewhat sketchy.

I love Willie.

-- Anonymous, September 21, 2001

I love Willie too but I couldn't stop doing my alf imitation. "Hey Willie!" Sometimes being a smart ass is not a good thing.

-- Anonymous, September 21, 2001

I was just shocked Mariah's dress didn't fall off.

I nearly lossed it when Kelsey Grammer spoke, since he and the cast of Frazier must be feeling this a lot worse than most Hollywooders. And Julia, which I doubly appreciated because I was beginning to wonder if anyone knew the Pentagon had even been hit out there.

And I love -- love! -- U2. That is all.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

Celine Dion lives in the United States - in Florida. Thanks for the reminder (Like i haven't had them all fucking week) of just how unwelcome anyone who isn't an American really is, in America.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

My first thought, too, was that Celine Dion was Canadian (or French, or something. I just remembered that she wasn't American), and even though I didn't know she lived in Florida, I thought it was beautiful.

I was really happy that it wasn't Barbra or Whitney. I'm not a fan of her music, but Celine Dion can do something with her voice that makes me cry. Something that Mariah and the others in the diva crew can't do.

Anyway, I didn't see U2 perform, because I only caught the last hour or so of the show, but they are Irish.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

I actually thought Mariah did quite well, especially for someone just just hospitalized for a breakdown. I don't think I could've kept it together singing a song like that, and being a New Yorker. Plus, she kept it toned down, not doing her usual scale run etc.

Re: Celine. Like I said, anyone can love, and be loved by, America. I just thought it was an odd choice. Just like I think it would be odd to have Faith Hill sing "O Canada."

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

Yeah, and they kicked ass. I liked Sting's song as well.

I, too, thought it was odd to have Celine Dion sing that particular song, especially since she sings so many sappy tunes that would have made everyone cry (like "My Heart Will Go On", for example). I also think it's reasonable to think such things without being a rabid anti- foreigner.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

Just to clarify - Oh Canada is the Canadian national anthem. God Bless America is a show tune with a patriotic theme. She didn't sing the American national anthem, she sang a song about how wonderful the country is - something apparently she doesn't have the right to feel, even though she lives here, pays taxes here (more in taxes, incidently than most americans earn in a year), supports charities here, and is raising a child here.

Incidently, she was not the first choice, but, as her publicist pointed out, she was the first woman in the lineup who knew the words and had performed it before, and could perform in 'reliably' - ie, she wouldn't pull a Mariah Carey, or a Whitney Houson.

And you must admit, it was pretty nice of her to agree to perform a song like that in a country this, that, as of last week, removed all of her civil rights while travelling in its borders as a foreign national, and is in the process of deporting Canadians with valid work and travel permits.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

Christ, the grammar - the Grammar! My grammar is turning Canadian Nationalistic, with all the Quebecer extra 'in' and 'this' and 'that's. Shoot me now, before I look in the mirror and Jean Chretien looks back out at me.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

Kristin, I think it is quite possible to dislike Celine Dion and think it is an odd choice to have a Canadian sing that song without feeling that all the foreigners should be ousted.

I realize you have a personal slant on this since you too are from Canada but if you can't see where it's a bit off-putting to see her singing that song then you aren't nearly as open minded as you think you are.

Celine Dion is disliked by thousands of people not because she's Canadian but because she sings sappy, dumb songs with a big overblown attitude. Yes, I found it odd that a Canadian was singing that but I don't think that makes me a bad person or a xenophobe. Your opinion may be that it's a showtune with patriotic overtones but in the last week it has become almost a theme song for the feelings of everyone in this country and I don't think it's unreasonable to have expected an American to be singing it.

Also, you may find this hard to believe but not every American with decent taste in music keeps track of where Celine Dion lives. I did not know she lives in Florida, I assumed she still lived in Canada. Now that I know she lives in America it makes a bit more sense but I'm sorry to say I still think she's a crap entertainer. I guess I better get out a map and figure out where every Canadian entertainer lives and make sure I love them all as if they were my parents or I won't be a decent person with the right feelings about everything.

You are dumping your anger and ire at the changes in America on the wrong people. But it is good to know I'm not allowed to critique a tv show freely without being accused of being a xenophobe.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

God Bless America is a show tune with a patriotic theme

I don't think it's that simple. Right at this moment, "God Bless America" might as well be the National Anthem, as far as many are concered. It's certainly being sung at most events along with the Star Spangled Banner, and GBA is a lot easier to sing.

It's no "Yankee Doodle Dandy", that's for sure.

At the risk of getting further sidetracked off the original topic, what does the fact that Celine pays "more in taxes, incidently than most americans earn in a year" have to do with anything? She also earns more than most Americans will earn in a lifetime, and she does, as you point out, live in the United States and raise a child here.

Again, I thought she did a great job, but the first thing that struck me was that it was an odd choice for it. Wouldn't it strike you as strange if they were having a similiar event in Canada, and they brought in Madonna to sing an equivlent song?

And it's pretty sad if no other woman in the lineup knew the words and/or was reliable. But that's another story.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

Celine kicked ass. I mean, she tore it UP and in a classy way. It was amazing. I knew people would rant against that choice, but lord, she did it justice. And it made the whole horrible thing appear a global tragedy, rather than just an American one. She loves the US. She lives here - she may even be a dual citizen, I don't know. But none of that matters.

The entire time I was lamenting about "why didn't they get Willie on this show? I mean, goddamn." And then there he was at the end. They should have had him by himself, I thought, but whatever.

I was just glad they mentioned the Pentagon (though they only mentioned it once - Julia). Television seems to have forgotten that more than 800 people were killed there, and that DC is surely traumatized as is NYC.

And you know what else? God BLESS America. It was celebrity manipulation at it's best/worst - who ISN'T going to call if they think they might get to talk to Al Pacino? - and I hope they raised 100 billion dollars. I think they should do it every night.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

But then I'd a.) have no social life and b.) be broke.

Oh, wait. That's true already.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

Again, I thought she did a great job, but the first thing that struck me was that it was an odd choice for it.

I'll accept that, yes, it was an unusual choice, but by no means an offensive choice.

I think that the last things Americans need to do is act like we're the only ones that are afraid of terrorist attack. So many Canadians, for example, are connected to this country whether personally or professionally, and the country is certainly allied with us politically - and no one who shares that distinction wants the U.S. to be weakened.

I think her singing it was a symbol of international solidarity.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

I thought the Celine choice was a tad odd, too, but I think she did a beautiful job with the song, so she gets my thumbs-up.

Poor, poor Clint. He looked like he was hiding a colostomy bag under that jacket. Or something. Christ.

And how much do I love my Willie? Let me count the ways. But what was up with the jostling in the background? It seemed like every time they did an alternate angle on him then a different one, then back to the same one, there were different people behind him. Were they playing Musical Face Time? Did it seem like the closing segment of Saturday Night Live to anyone but me?

I wish they had said, or posted, who the performers were while they were doing their songs. I mean some of them were obvious, but then there were groups that I am just Not Hip Enough to recognize on sight, and I'd like to have known who they were.

And I was all about the acoustic format. In fact, I turned to my friend who was watching it with me, and said, "if they flub this by bringing out Aerosmith, all electric guitars and shit, I'm going to lose it," even though I love me some Aerosmith, y'all.

Also, and I know this is terrible, but I couldn't help thinking, "man, somebody dropped a WAD of cash at Crate and Barrel for all those candles."

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

Slickery, the point is, you didn't critique her singing, or say she shouldn't have done it because you hate her voice, it was because she was CANADIAN, as you pointed out in caps. If you thought it was dreadful because you can't stand her singing, that would be fine with me. And Mike Meyers didn't sing your national anthem, now did he? Your complaint was all about hating the foreigners, because it wasn't about the talent of the singer, but her nationality that you considered objectionable, even though she lives here, provides jobs for americans, and is well known to be very pro-USA.

maybe if mariah and whitney can pull the coke spoons out of their noses for one day, they will sing it next, and make everybody happy.

Nobody is calling you a xenophobe for hating a singer who happens to be Canadian, it just sucks to see her trashed simply for being a Canadian.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

Also ... Bon Jovi! How great was that?! And Billy Joel's "New York State of Mind"! And Paul Simon!

I loved the absence of Brittney and Christina and all the boy bands.

On another note, has anyone heard that gawdawful tribute cover of "What's Going On?" If not, you will. And you'll be sorry.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

You know what, Kristin, you win. I'm a bad person for wanting to hear an American sing that song. I'm a bad person for not knowing that Celine Dion is single handedly propping up the American economy. I'm a bad person for being in Boston and knowing people who have lost family members and being extremely emotionally distraught over the past week and possibly over reacting to some things and regretting what I said later. Too bad I can't be as perfect and reasoning with level headed logical reactions to everything like you are.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

I don't think Slickery is a bad person for wanting an American to sing God Bless America, but I find it insulting the manner in which she disregarded the abilbity of anyone other than an American to show there love of the US.

At a time where the US government is asking other countries to make sacrifices in backing us up, I think it is completely appropriate for someone of another nationality to join in the musical celebration.

On a lighter note, how great was Bon Jovi? It was one of the few times I was proud to be from New Jersey. And, yes, U2 rocks.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

I was wrong to dismiss the support that people from other countries have given us. I admit that and I'm sorry for it.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

Also, while we're doling out the props, I was happy to see Tom Petty sing a little "Won't Back Down."

Man, I wish I had taped it. They're not selling a CD, are they?

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

I hope they put the CD out. I would love to have the Springsteen song, Neil Young doing John Lennon, and, of course, the Bon Jovi.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

Chris: I think it is completely appropriate for someone of another nationality to join in the musical celebration.

Of course. Absolutely. I don't think anyone was saying otherwise. After all it was a CELEBRITY Tribute to America's Heroes. I still think it was odd to have her sing "God Bless America," specifically. Not odd that she was there, or participating.

And why did they even bother giving Reba the mic during "America the Beautiful"? I bet later she and Willie lamented over "that Mariah person."

I also thought the Dixie Chicks were fantastic.

Oh, and I must've tried 30,000 times to get through. Never got anything beyond "all circuts are busy." PLUS there was a call center in Columbus.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

On another note, has anyone heard that gawdawful tribute cover of "What's Going On?" If not, you will. And you'll be sorry.

Oh, yes. I heard it just now when I went to the store to get food to watch the Alabama game (and seriously, football is what we should be talking about), and I cringed. There were so many people hooting and screeching on that song, I couldn't even tell it was What's Going On until the chorus.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

And, hey, Limp Bizkit and whoever else? Don't rap on a Marvin Gaye song? OK? Don't sully the Marvin Gaye. It's bad enough that the Backstreet Boys were allowed to participate.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

I know!

And Gwen Stefani's my girlfriend and all, but she should never sing on any tribute single because her voice is too ... well ... jarring.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

As much as I love her, as well, I have to agree.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

That Marvin Gaye remake is vile. Marvin is turning over in his grave.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

I had to go on a cookie run, so I think I missed the Fred Durst part.

My local news said the telethon raised $71 MILLION and counting.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001

I love Willie too but I couldn't stop doing my alf imitation. "Hey Willie!"

You do that, too?

Y'all. The Marvin Gaye tribute. So sad. So painful. Not as sad, though, as the Radio Shack commercials that use the song in the background. That song has nothing - NOTHING - to do with freaking Radio Shack. Or Howie, or Teri.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

Fred Durst also changed and added his own lyrics to "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd. Um Fred -- Elton John can do that because HE WROTE THE ORIGINAL FREAKIN SONG. You, sir, did not, and furthermore you are musically and intellectually incapable of improving upon it. So take your triflin ass on.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

And when I said "Elton John can do that," I meant he can do that with "Candle in the Wind" and as a tribute to Princess Diana, because he wrote the original song. Not because he wrote "Wish You Were Here."

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

I didn't see it, because I was too busy watching, ahem, a film I wrote, co-produced (i.e. bought batteries for the camera), and starred in, and may I say I make one good coke-snorting video game smuggler? I should've been up there asking for your hard-earned American dollars.

Where were we?

Okay. Yes. I believe Celine's son was born in Florida and is thus an American citizen, but don't quote me on that. (What is it about Florida and Quebec? Even Mavis Gallant has written stories set in Florida. Why Florida? Other states are warm. Why doesn't my home state get an influx of Je me souviens license plates between October and May? Darn Quebecois think they're too good for Georgia.)

Now, I think the American-Canadian thing doesn't flow equally both ways -- i.e. if I were a Canadian and LeeAnn Rimes had been chosen to belt out "O Canada" (I actually know some of the words! True patriot love / In all thy sons command . . . ) , I would have been more pissed than I might be about Celine singing "God Bless America." And I wouldn't try sending Blitzedney Houston after any national anthem, except maybe La Marseillaise, which nobody in France knows the words to.

Anyway. It could've been Lara Fabian, y'all. Could've been much worse.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

i can appreciate the fact that bon jovi appeared, what with their jersey connection and everything, but what the fuck does "tommy used to work on the docks..." have to do with anything?

christ, pick a song with some relevance. it doesn't even have to be one of your own (see: neil young singing "imagine").

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

Hey, the song's called "Living on a Prayer". I thought it was find.

The lyrics "Take my hand ... we'll make it, I swear" certainly seemed appropriate to me.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

"fine", sted "find."

Although I was happy Bon Jovi was found, both for the tribute and for the NFL pregame shows on Sunday (he sang ... what, the Anthem? Or God Bless America? My memory is gone.)

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

I hope they put the CD out.

I read this morning that they are frantically working on that as we speak. They apparently want to get it out NOW, while everyone is still very much moved by this.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

You are completely inconsiderate towards Mariah. All of you. What did she do wrong, She was crying through her song, and sung that song with heart. As for Julia, it was excellent that she was not afraid to let the Maskara run. This critisism of Mariah Carrey was uncalled for. sure you have your opinions, but that was out of order. She did very well.

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2001

Yall, I really feel like MATH+1 has arrived.

That's all I'm sayin'.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

Man, nothing says "we've made" it like being told you can have an opinion as long as it doesn't agree with the rah rah cheerleader posters.

Although, really, we haven't MADE it made it until someone says we are Nazis for calling Mariah the skanky ho she is.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

Bunch of Nazis. Hitler hates Mariah Carey and has some doubt as to the sincerity of the Michael Jackson effort.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

Oh. OK. I see how this works. I can have an opinion but I just can't EXPRESS it. Now I get it.

If this is the case, I believe we have just shut down talk radio and half of CNN's programming schedule.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

Poor Mariah. I guess no one visits her site anymore, so she had to come "slumming" in ours.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

Which reminds me, the soundtrack and DVD/VHS of the telethon hit the stores December 4. Here's the quote from the promo pack that gets me.

"Royalties equal to the distributor's net proceeds from sales will be paid to the September 11 Fund."

Is it me or is that a fancy way of saying eventually we will give some of the money to charity?

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

Wait, I found something even weirder on the promo kit.

"The 48 Star Flag on the cover was painted by Jasper Johns between 1954 and 1956 and it comes to us courtesy of the MOMA, New York. . . and yes, we realize it only has 48 stars, but then again it was painted in '54, so cut us tried and true Americans a little slack here okay."

Um, and you didn't use a picture, of, say, an actual FLAG with 50 stars why?

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

I hate celebrities because they are silly billy's

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2002

You all are gay dickheads who have no friends so waste your time on this piece of crap web site.

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2002

I love Canada and England, America Sucks. You go and play baseball you stupid prats.

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2002

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