Trade & Free Agent Proposal - v0.1 : LUSENET : Baffled Fantasy Football League : One Thread

Proposal: Trades/Free Agents Week 2 - Week 16

1) Any team (losing or winning) can request a free agent. Any team lower in the standings has override authority up until Midnight Thursday (as given on the board). This is the "waiver" FA period.

2) After Thursday midnight, it is first come, first served for any players. Any team can try to pick up any player after that time. This is an "open" FA period.

3) All Trade/FA actions must be done by Friday Midnight, except: - Thursday game weeks, the cutoff is midnight Tuesday for the waiver type FA attempt, and open FA and trades until midnight Wednesday. - Saturday game weeks, the cutoff is midnight Wednesday for the waiver type FA attempt, and open FA and trades until midnight Thursday.

4) Unlimited trades/free agents.

5) Trades do not have to be position for position, you can trade 1 player for 3 or whatever. - If you do a trade that leaves you short in a position, you MUST use FA to get to the proper number and you will be charged the FA fees (except as noted in ???). - If a trade results in a position being overstaffed, you must immediately drop player(s), to get to the correct number incurring a $1 waiver fee per player dropped to the party fund. These player are not eligable to be picked up until the following week. - $1 per player in a trade, all to party fund. If team A trades player 1 to Team B for player 2 and 3, then Team A owes $2 and Team B owes $1.

6) $5 to pick up FA unless you "Ripperoff", whereupon it is $5 + $2, all to the party fund. - You must drop a player at the same position. Does NOT have to be IR or non-NFL roster. You do NOT incur the $1 waiver fee as in a trade.

7) Any player dropped in an FA or trade can NOT be picked up until the next week by any team.

8) Any player picked up as FA cannot be traded the week they are acquired.

9) There is no Mid-season draft. Each franchise gets 1 FA moves for a $1 ($3 if it ends up being a "Ripperoff").

10) The BAFL board is to be used exclusively for trading and FA moves.

11) The front office has veto on any trade action. There is NO veto on FA actions.

-- Front Office (, September 25, 2001

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