softer pics : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Ok, I am printing an 8x10 on a beseler 23CIII exposure time 30 secs, with an ilford 2 1/2 filter below lense. ap is at 11. What would you suggest to get a "softer" look? THanks!!

-- Erinn (, September 26, 2001


What do you mean by "softer?" Are you talking about lower resolution or lower contrast?

-- Ted Kaufman (, September 26, 2001.

If you are talking about softer contrast, go to a 1.5 filter, if you are talking about softening the picture (if you are a smoker) take the wrapper off your cigarette pack, crumple it up a bit and then during part of the exposure (say 10-15 sec.) wave it under the lens. A little experimentation will have to be done to get the look your after. This DOES NOT take the place of a good softening filter on camera. It will bleed the shadows into the highlights a bit but it does soften... just another old darkroom trick. Cheers

-- Scott Walton (, September 27, 2001.

Onion skin ("tracing") paper can also be used to give a soft focus effect. Place it in contact with the printing paper during part of the exposure and move it around a bit.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, September 27, 2001.

pantyhose works well also, and it's more fun to get ahold of.

-- r (, September 27, 2001.

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