Muffin : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
At my request to DH that he bake me something that would be "breakfast in one handful" (got tired of creal), he made muffins (standard recipe) and mixed in some hanging-around gotten-on-sale trail mix that I hadn't gotten around to eating. The muffins turned out really good and hearty (although a little dry and crumbly - may need more water). He even picked out the dried pineapple and soaked it back to life, and rinsed the oatmeat flour off the date bits. That's love!
-- Soni (, September 26, 2001
I make muffins with trail mix in them when we're heading on a trip. One of the muffins and a hot cup of coffee make breakfast for us. I add a "dab" of cooking oil to the mix and they seem to be less dry.
-- Grannytoo (, September 26, 2001.
I use granola in mine (as the extra ingredient in Amy Dacyszin's Universal Muffin Recipe). The boys eat them without a whimper (normally they won't go near anything with seeds in it) and Bill loves them. He took a batch in to work and told me that they disappeared within three feet of the front door. He was glad that he'd taken his out before he went into the building!
-- Tracy Rimmer (, September 27, 2001.