Goats at Tulsa state fair

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Went to the Tulsa state fair today in Oklahoma. In this one area they had halled a big mountain of dirt in with big boulders sticking out all over it. They had a pen around it and had turned loose about 25 goats in it. There were goats lounging around all over it, and on the big boulders. It was really unique. Made me want to build one in my back yard just so I could look up and see the goats. Be kind of like having my own Colorado Mountain with wild goats.

-- r.h. in okla. (rhays@sstelco.com), October 01, 2001


R.H., they had the same thing in OKC this year. They also had large incubators with hatching chicks where the kids could watch. I wonder how many of those city kids didn't want to eat eggs the next day! It was very unique and neat; so few children get to see this every day. I hope that is one aspect they keep at the fair next year; there were a lot of complaints about the changes in the Oklahoma State Fair in OKC this year, due to the new leadership. Hope you all had lots of fun!

-- Christine in Edmond (cljford@aol.com), October 02, 2001.

An easier solution, rather than haul all that dirt is to build a goat tower.A garden center that I used to drive by had one about twenty feet high.I haven't got around to duplicate it yet but when I made a guinea roost with a feeder on top, my two pygmies walked right up the leaning posts and ate the feed . Keith

-- Keith Etheridge (grandpa@chipsnet.com), October 02, 2001.

My goat loves the hay elevator. She is constantly all the way at the top of it. When we were putting up hay we left it there and she jumped through the window and was in the hay loft. Gotta love those goats.

-- tracy (murfette@stargate.net), October 02, 2001.

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