things to Remember : LUSENET : Freedom! self reliance : One Thread

Here's a few things to rmember, please add to the list:

God's way is to make a way where there's no way.

Nothing happens without God's permission.

Timing is everything.

Fall means having oatmeal, honey and apples in the pantry.

God never changes.

Winter is a good time to can dry beans, chicken broth and jelly.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

Everything you do is a choice. When you hit the very bottom you have a choice, you can either wallow where you are or you can go up.

Frogiveness is the best preventative medicine.

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (, October 03, 2001


Don't burn your bridges, and Never say never.

-- mary (, October 03, 2001.

How about my favorite: Do unto others.

And my Mama always said: "Remember who you are."

Wishing you enough.

-- Trevilians (aka Dianne in Mass) (, October 04, 2001.

I read this in a book called"What Oncw We Loved" by Jane Kirkpatrick and it keeps going through my mind. If you always do what you've always done, You'll always get what you've always gotten.

-- Nan (, October 04, 2001.

This too shall pass.

-- Kathleen Sanderson (, October 04, 2001.

For Christians:

Your talk talks and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks.

Say that three times fast!

-- Doreen (, October 04, 2001.

There are no absolutes.

(Isn't that any absolute? Are you absolutely sure of that?)

Talk to you later.

-- Bob in WI (, October 05, 2001.

Pigs don't fly.

-- Rags (, October 06, 2001.

Those who can see the invisible can do the impossible.

-- Sandra Nelson (, October 09, 2001.

Never worry about making a living; worry about making a life.

-- j.r. guerra (, October 10, 2001.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

-- mary (, October 10, 2001.

There's only one everything.

-- Doreen (, October 11, 2001.

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