Changing dichroic head filter knobs in the : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Last night I was working on a print. After finding my base exposure I wanted to do a test strip of different grades (on Agfa MCP RC). But I realized that I couldn't see the numbers well enough on my Saunders/LPL 670 head. My safelight doesn't illuminate the room enough for me to see the numbers. Of course once the enlarger light is turned on the dials light up, but then it's too late to change the filter level on the dial.So the question is how do you change the filter settings on a colour head in the dark?
Thanks Roger
-- Roger Bird (, October 03, 2001
Roger: First make sure that your enlarger dosen't have an out of the way switch that illuminates the dials for just this purpose. I didn't find the switch on my Omega for months. Also, you may find it handy to keep a small portable safelight next to your enlarger to use briefly when your main safelight isn't bright enough. I use a small kodak light that I found at a photo swap. I have seen small flashlights with red lenses but I don't know the manufacturer. One would be very easy enough to make using a red transparent film of some sort over the lens.
-- Arden Howell (, October 03, 2001.
Roger:Cover the lens with your hand, a piece of cardboard, lens cap etc. Then turn the enlarger on and change the filter settings. I do it all the time with by Beseler 45S with absolutely no problems.
-- Ken Burns (, October 03, 2001.
You could also, try as stated earlier, using a Mini-mag light with a red filter or one of the older GI style flashlights with a red filter...they are both easy to find.
-- Mike Castles (, October 06, 2001.